Tuesday, June 11, 2013




(I have some affection for it, nonetheless—it helps my writing a great deal—and I can’t help feeling it has a sense of humor)

I went to an excellent boarding school in the UK (an Anglo-Irish custom), and was taught a great many things—some useful, and some a complete waste of time—but I don’t  recall ever being taught anything about how the mind works.

We were just instructed to use ‘it’ as if we were born with a Mind Manual in our tiny hands. Sadly, as best I can confirm—I was very small at the time—we were not.

I confess I have taken my mind—strengths and insights, flaws and all—for granted for most of my life. More recently, I have become intensely curious as to how the whole thing works—and whether you can improve it in various ways.

I have become convinced you can, if only because of my own efforts—long and difficult, though they were—to overcome my dyslexia so I could write. My determination to re-program my brain—for that, essentially was what I was doing—was, eventually, successful.

But I still feel I could do vastly more if I understood more. If that is the case—as I believe it is—I have to wonder why we aren’t all taught vastly more about the mind from a very young age. 

I found the following few non-sequential extracts on a blog written by S. Ali Myers

So why haven’t you heard more about the subconscious mind?  To this point, scientists and neuro-fanatics have been unable to explain what the approximately 90% of your brain that you don’t use does?   The subconscious mind exists within that 90% majority. 

Your subconscious mind is programmed by you, your family and friends, society and everything else outside of you.  Your subconscious mind does not discern between what is true or false.  Your conscious, or rational and reasoning mind does that.  The subconscious accepts everything.  That’s why it’s critical that you filter what is embedded in it.

We use the automatic functions of our subconscious mind on a daily basis.  Any activity that you have done repeatedly is planted prominently in your subconscious mind.  It is not by chance that repetition is one of the best ways to program the subconscious mind.  Ever wondered why you see the same commercials over and over?

Techniques for programming your subconscious mind:

1. Positive Affirmations & Mantras – An affirmation is any statement that you affirm, or speak.  A mantra is an affirmation or phrase that is repeated over and over.  When you repeat a positive affirmation, it is eaten up by your subconscious mind making a lasting impression.  Some examples of positive affirmations that you can repeat are:

  • “I am filled with peace, harmony and joy.”
  • “My positive thoughts produce positive things.”
  • “I love myself and everything that is around me.”

You can say affirmations for a set amount of time or quantity.  Also, try repeating them in your head throughout the day.  The more you say your positive affirmations, the better your results will be.  Try the provided affirmations or make up your own.

2. Create positive habits and routines

Eventually, any activity or practice you partake in will become what we call, second nature.  Remember, anything you try that may be difficult or awkward initially, will become easier with time and practice.

Written by S. Ali Myers

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